Communications channels across the divisions
Each division hosts a range of social media accounts, newsletters and websites across the University with content for internal and external audiences
Audience: Mainly internal (current staff and graduate students in MPLS)
Content: Overview of MPLS Division, information about the Divisional Office and its staff, news, events, significant awards, resources for staff (research and administrative) and current graduate students, career development and training for students and researchers, enterprise, public engagement with research, internal research funding opportunities, industrial research partnerships.
Audience: All Divisional staff (research and administrative) and students (excluding undergraduates)
Frequency: Monthly
Content: Selected news and events, important Divisional and University announcements, funding opportunities, training and enterprise, teaching and learning, equality and diversity news, public engagement opportunities and events, fellowship/senior leadership opportunities, building updates, general announcements and updates.
Audience: Mainly internal (current staff and students in MPLS at all levels) and some external (e.g. alumni, industry, policy makers, outreach, charities, funders, local communities)
Twitter handle: @MPLSOxford
Content: News, events, awards, funding opportunities, training opportunities, announcements, job opportunities, public engagement opportunities and events.
Audience: Departmental communication leads in the MPLS departments
Content: Regular (weekly or fortnightly on average) email digest containing University and Divisional announcements for dissemination to departmental community (through departmental newsletters, intranets, cascade emails etc), with the main aims of disseminating items not included in the Divisional newsletter, allowing departments to select and customise their own messages and reducing the number of emails sent to individuals.
Audience: Internal and external (specifically prospective and current staff and students)
Content: Undergraduate and post-graduate course information, internal research funding opportunities, overview of the Division, news, events, resources for staff, information about the Divisional Office and its staff, internal announcements.
Oxford MedSci News
Audience: Divisional staff and students
Frequency: Monthly
Content: News, events, important Divisional and University announcements, funding opportunities, general opportunities and updates, volunteer opportunities, training, public engagement opportunities and events, job/fellowship opportunities, building updates.
MSD Events Digest
Audience: All Divisional students (automatically added), plus Divisional staff who have opted in to receive it.
Frequency: weekly
Content: Weekly email listing all the Divisional events (talks/workshops/seminars), and University event of interest to MSD community, coming up in the following week, collated using our Oxford Talks collection.
Divisional Office Briefing (DOBe)
Audience: Academic and administrative leads within the Division
Frequency: Termly
Content: Important Divisional and University updates and announcements, information that departments might need to act on in the next term, Divisional office staff updates
Audience: Internal and external (including alumni, peers, industry, policy makers, outreach, charities, funders, OUH, local communities)
Twitter handle: @OxfordMedSci
Content: News, events, funding opportunities, announcements, volunteer opportunities, job opportunities, public engagement opportunities and events, training opportunities
Audience: Departmental Communication leads in each of the 16 MSD departments
Content: Weekly email digest containing University and Divisional announcements for dissemination to departmental community (either through departmental newsletters, intranets, cascade emails)
Audience: Internal and external (specifically prospective and current staff and students)
Content: Information for internal academic audience that is also suitable for the general public – e.g. University or divisional funding opportunities, news stories, campaigns, engagement or training opportunities, and prize announcements.
Social Sciences newsletter
Audience: All Social Sciences Division staff
Frequency: monthly
Content: Celebrations of successes, prizes and awards (including research grant wins), University news, changes to senior staff, major research news.
The Bulletin
Audience: Heads of Administration and Finance in SSD departments, and all Divisional office staff
Frequency: monthly
Content: Internal information on University systems, items for action, Divisional office staff changes, and information that is needed by Heads of Administration.
Social Sciences Funding Digest
Audience: Social scientists (across the institution) and related support staff
Content: Funding opportunities, training, events, and related news for social scientists
Audience: Internal and external, including staff (especially academic), students, and some external (e.g. alumni, industry, charities, funders, local communities)
Twitter handle: @oxsocsci
Content: Information for internal academic audience that is also suitable for the general public – e.g. University or divisional funding opportunities, news stories, campaigns, engagement or training opportunities, and prize announcements.
Twitter handle: @OxHumanities