UAS websites editor training

All new content editors and contributors should:

  • View the Mosaic video: to introduce them to Mosaic and how it operates. Some elements covered will not be directly relevant to all editors but we are keen that they get exposure to the Mosaic platform before attending more detailed training. The session will include:
    • Overview of benefits.
    • Outline of features and how Mosaic works.
  • Attend UAS website template specific training: to give them the knowledge they need to create and edit content on  UAS websites through hands-on training in small groups.  They need to have completed the e-learning module before attending this training.
  • They should also have a good understanding of best practice in writing for websites through reference to the UAS websites editor guidance; specifically the UAS web style guide and Writing for UAS websites.

  • If you have a new starter in your team, please get in touch with your lead editor in the first instance. They should liaise with Charlene Rowley, UAS Websites Manager, to arrange training, permissions and access to your website.


UAS website template specific training is mandatory for all new starts / new editors or contributors. Each trainee attending the course will be charged £66, payable by card payment or journal only, which their department must cover. There are no refunds for failed attendance or cancellations.

Individual UAS sections will be responsible for determining how funding is allocated for this training internally. 

How to arrange training

If you have a new starter in your team, please complete the below form to arrange training, permissions and access to the website.

Training registration form

Type of training   Open to  Frequency  Time Location Booking Cost 
UAS website introduction training (e-learning)   New editors or contributors


- Remote By invitation only -
UAS website template training (limited to six trainees)   New editors or contributors Monthly 9:30am to 1pm IT Services, 13 Banbury Road By invitation only £66 per person


Training request form

Please complete the form below to arrange training, permissions and access to the website.




Assistance with UAS websites

Lead editors - email

Site editors should only contact the lead editor of their site

See information on the UAS website support process