How to guide: installing a TV monitor in your department

Requirements to install a screen vary based on your building and department, if you wish to invesitgate further please speak to your line manager and the Facilities Management in your building.

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  • TV Monitor(s) These are available in various sizes and models, Samsung 32” & 40” are most popular.
  • Media Player(s) Please note some TV models have these built in.
  • Wall mounts/ backboard/TV brackets.
  • Signagelive License (available in 2, 3, or 5 year licences). This is web based software that will allow you to create and manage your content slides that you will display on your TV Monitor(s)
  • Signagelive Training (recommended if more than 1 person in your dept will be managing the TV screens)
  • Installation
  • Delivery

Allow one week 

Allow two weeks 

  • Do you require a new network cable, plug point and holes drilled for wall mounts/backboard/TV brackets? If yes and your department is based at the John Radcliffe Hospital, contact the estates team ( and ask for a “New Works Request” document for you to complete so they can quote for the work and book it in. If your department is not based at the John Radcliffe, please contact your relevant facilities team.
  • You will need a live connection to the University network and you’ll need to know the switch and socket number that your TV Monitor(s) will be connected to, so in the event of them not working you can quote this information to the IT Help desk.

Allow two weeks 

  • Arrange for your network cable/plug point/brackets etc (if required) to be fitted first and on the same day as your chosen supplier installs your TV Monitor(s).

Allow one week

  • Ensure you have some TV slides of events, new papers, grant deadlines etc prepared in advance so they be displayed as soon as your TV Monitor(s) is installed. See example slide layouts below. Thereafter agree a frequency of how often you will update your slides.
  • Learn how to create good content
  • Create a Signage Live account and enter your 16 digit licence code. The license number will be emailed to the screen supplier and they should forward it to you.

Below are several examples of slide layouts with text and images.


Example one 

Image of a woman holding her baby bump with text as an example of a screen layout

Example two

Text with titles and subtitles with an image to show an example of a screen a layout


Example three


Example of screen layout with an portrait photo, text, a banner and the logo