UAS Mosaic support

Help using Mosaic

For questions about using templates, how content appears on the page, accessing images and icons or other UAS Mosaic specific issues you should:

Technical help with Mosaic

For technical questions regarding the Mosaic platform but not relating to the functionality or content of your site (for example, if you notice a bug, or are having issues with platform performance), you can:

  • Consult the system status information (Mosaic appears under Communication and Collaboration, Web Content Management Systems, Mosaic) to find out how the system is running
  • Contact the Mosaic use our Contact form to report issues: Report a Mosaic issue.

New starters

All new starters will require UAS Mosaic face-to-face template training before getting access to your website.  If you have a new starter in your team, please get in touch with your lead editor in the first instance. The lead editor should refer to the editor training requirements and availability, but should then liaise with Charlene to arrange training, permissions and access to your website.


Assistance with UAS websites

Lead editors - email

Site editors should only contact the lead editor of their site

See information on the UAS website support process